Rootstock Varieties
All Rootstocks listed below are available including virus free selections.
Dwarfing influence; induces early cropping; resistant to collar rot; produces larger fruit; requires tree support; ripens early; susceptible to mildew and woolly aphid.
More vigour; provides better anchorage than M9; moderately susceptible to collar rot; support recommended; most sought after root stock in Australia.
Resistant to woolly aphid; moderately susceptible to collar rot; good root anchorage.
Resistant to woolly aphid; susceptible to collar rot; good root anchorage; productive rootstock giving good fruit size.
Resistant to woolly aphid; moderately resistant to collar rot; good anchorage; no support required; suitable for poorer soils or replanting.
* Certification is viruses that are considered to have an impact on the trees ability to perform and yield. Viruses that we certify are: Mosaic Virus, Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus, Stem Grooving Virus and Stem Pitting Virus
Apple Rootstock Chart

Selection of Apple Rootstock
When selecting Cultivar/rootstock combinations, consideration should be given to the following:
- Soil type
- Proven cultivar/rootstock combinations
- Replant situations